Course Content
The Class 7 Science curriculum offers a comprehensive exploration of fundamental scientific concepts, fostering a deeper understanding of the natural world. Covering a diverse array of topics, students delve into the intricacies of plant and animal nutrition, unraveling the mysteries of photosynthesis and digestion. From the transformation of fibers into fabric to the principles governing heat transfer, students embark on a journey through the realms of physics and biology. They uncover the properties of acids, bases, and salts, gaining insight into chemical reactions and their practical applications. Moreover, the course sheds light on environmental phenomena, elucidating the mechanisms behind weather patterns, winds, storms, and cyclones, while also delving into the significance of soil and water resources. Through hands-on exploration and theoretical learning, students develop a holistic perspective on scientific principles, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of the natural world.
Class 7 Social Studies (SST) covers a broad spectrum of topics encompassing history, geography, and civics, aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of their world and its historical, social, and environmental context. In history, students explore significant events and developments from medieval India, including the rise and fall of empires, cultural transformations, and the influence of various dynasties. Geography lessons focus on understanding the Earth's structure, various landforms, water bodies, and the impact of human activities on the environment, fostering awareness about sustainability and conservation. Civics introduces students to the functioning of government, the importance of democracy, and the roles and responsibilities of citizens, promoting an understanding of their place and duties within the society. This curriculum is designed to build critical thinking, awareness, and a sense of responsibility among students.
Class 7 English curriculum encompasses a diverse range of language skills and literary exploration. Students engage in reading comprehension activities, analyzing prose, poetry, and short stories to grasp main ideas, characters, and literary devices. Grammar and vocabulary exercises strengthen their understanding of language structure and usage. Writing skills are honed through the practice of various formats like essays, letters, and narratives, focusing on coherent organization and persuasive expression. Literary exploration introduces students to different genres and elements such as character development, plot, and figurative language. Speaking and listening activities improve verbal communication, while supplementary readings broaden literary exposure. Engaging in language games and interactive exercises further reinforces learning, fostering effective communication and critical thinking for academic and real-life contexts.
Class 7 Foundation
About Lesson

Chapter Title: Chandni



  • Abbu Khan, an old man, lives alone in Almora and keeps goats as pets.
  • He gives funny names to his goats and treats them like his own children.

Description of the Story:

  1. Abbu Khan’s Unfortunate Luck:

    • Abbu Khan is unlucky with his goats as they often escape and get killed by a wolf in the hills.
    • Despite his care and affection, his goats desire freedom and run away.
  2. Decision to Avoid Keeping Goats:

    • After losing all his goats, Abbu Khan decides not to keep goats anymore due to his sorrow and frustration.
  3. Introduction of Chandni:

    • Despite his decision, Abbu Khan feels lonely without his pets and decides to buy a young goat named Chandni.
    • He believes that a young goat will stay with him longer and not run away to the hills.
  4. Chandni’s Desire for Freedom:

    • Chandni, like the other goats, yearns for freedom and feels confined by the rope around her neck.
    • She expresses her longing to Abbu Khan, but he doesn’t understand her desire to go to the hills.
  5. Abbu Khan’s Attempt to Keep Chandni Safe:

    • Abbu Khan becomes annoyed with Chandni’s persistence and decides to confine her to a small hut to protect her from the dangers of the hills.
    • However, Chandni manages to escape through a small window in the hut.
  6. Chandni’s Return to the Hills:

    • Chandni returns to the hills where she feels a sense of belonging and freedom.
    • Despite the risks, she prefers the open fields over the confinement of Abbu Khan’s hut.
  7. Chandni’s Brave Encounter with the Wolf:

    • Chandni encounters the dangerous wolf in the hills and decides to fight rather than return to the safety of Abbu Khan’s hut.
    • The fierce fight continues throughout the night, and in the morning, Chandni is found injured but victorious.

Explanation of the Text:

  • The story narrates the bond between Abbu Khan and his goats, focusing on Chandni’s desire for freedom and her courageous encounter with the wolf.
  • It explores themes of freedom, loneliness, and the resilience of spirit in the face of adversity.
  • Chandni’s journey symbolizes the universal longing for freedom and the willingness to face challenges to attain it.

Discussion Points:

  1. Interpreting the Wise Old Bird’s Statement:

    • The wise old bird declares Chandni as the winner. This could be interpreted as a victory of spirit over adversity. Chandni’s willingness to fight for her freedom and her courage in facing the wolf make her a winner despite the physical injuries.
  2. Decision of Chandni to Choose Open Field Over Confinement:

    • Chandni’s decision to face the wolf rather than return to the safety of the hut is a bold one. Students can discuss whether they think it was the right decision or not, providing reasons to support their views.
  3. Freedom is Life:

    • Students can discuss the theme of freedom in ‘Chandni’ and another story from the curriculum, ‘I Want Something in a Cage’. They can explore how freedom is portrayed in each story and discuss its importance in life.
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