Course Content
The Class 7 Science curriculum offers a comprehensive exploration of fundamental scientific concepts, fostering a deeper understanding of the natural world. Covering a diverse array of topics, students delve into the intricacies of plant and animal nutrition, unraveling the mysteries of photosynthesis and digestion. From the transformation of fibers into fabric to the principles governing heat transfer, students embark on a journey through the realms of physics and biology. They uncover the properties of acids, bases, and salts, gaining insight into chemical reactions and their practical applications. Moreover, the course sheds light on environmental phenomena, elucidating the mechanisms behind weather patterns, winds, storms, and cyclones, while also delving into the significance of soil and water resources. Through hands-on exploration and theoretical learning, students develop a holistic perspective on scientific principles, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of the natural world.
Class 7 Social Studies (SST) covers a broad spectrum of topics encompassing history, geography, and civics, aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of their world and its historical, social, and environmental context. In history, students explore significant events and developments from medieval India, including the rise and fall of empires, cultural transformations, and the influence of various dynasties. Geography lessons focus on understanding the Earth's structure, various landforms, water bodies, and the impact of human activities on the environment, fostering awareness about sustainability and conservation. Civics introduces students to the functioning of government, the importance of democracy, and the roles and responsibilities of citizens, promoting an understanding of their place and duties within the society. This curriculum is designed to build critical thinking, awareness, and a sense of responsibility among students.
Class 7 English curriculum encompasses a diverse range of language skills and literary exploration. Students engage in reading comprehension activities, analyzing prose, poetry, and short stories to grasp main ideas, characters, and literary devices. Grammar and vocabulary exercises strengthen their understanding of language structure and usage. Writing skills are honed through the practice of various formats like essays, letters, and narratives, focusing on coherent organization and persuasive expression. Literary exploration introduces students to different genres and elements such as character development, plot, and figurative language. Speaking and listening activities improve verbal communication, while supplementary readings broaden literary exposure. Engaging in language games and interactive exercises further reinforces learning, fostering effective communication and critical thinking for academic and real-life contexts.
Class 7 Foundation
About Lesson

Chapter Title: The Tiny Teacher



  • The text introduces ants as remarkably intelligent and hard-working creatures, often overlooked due to their small size.
  • Ants are described as living in anthills, their comfortable homes, and are recognized as the smallest but wisest insects.

Description of Ants:

  1. Variety of Ants:

    • Ants come in various kinds, with the most common being black or red.
    • These ants are often seen but not paid enough attention to.
  2. Anthill Life:

    • Anthills serve as homes for ants, consisting of hundreds of little rooms and passages.
    • Different rooms within the anthill serve specific purposes, including housing the queen, nurturing young ones (grubs), storing food, and providing shelter for workers and soldiers.
    • Soldiers have separate barracks, and workers spend their time searching for food and maintaining the nest.
    • The life within the anthill is peaceful, with each ant performing its role intelligently and harmoniously.

Fascinating Facts about Ants:

  • Ants use their antennae to communicate, passing messages to other ants by touching their feelers.
  • The queen ant has a pair of wings, which she sheds before laying eggs, initiating the life cycle of ants.
  • Eggs hatch into grubs, which later transform into cocoons, eventually giving rise to complete ants.
  • New ants learn their duties through training from older ants, preparing them for various roles in the colony.

Coexistence in Anthills:

  • Anthills not only house ants but also accommodate other creatures, including beetles, lesser ant species, and greenflies.
  • The presence of these creatures serves various purposes, such as emitting pleasant smells, providing sweet juices, or acting as pets or playthings for the ants.
  • Ants train greenflies to produce honeydew, which they collect by touching the greenflies’ antennae, similar to how humans milk cows.

Lessons from Ants:

  • Humans may learn valuable lessons from ants, such as hard work, sense of duty, discipline, cleanliness, care for the young, and loyalty to their habitat.

Discussion Topics:

  1. Keeping Ants as Pets:
    • Potential problems of keeping ants as pets are discussed, allowing students to brainstorm challenges associated with this activity.
  2. Ant Communication:
    • Students are encouraged to speculate on what ants communicate to each other by touching their feelers, drawing parallels with bees’ communication through dancing.

Poem Completion:

  • The chapter concludes with a poetry exercise where students are prompted to complete a poem using words related to various living spaces such as kennels, nests, anthills, etc.

Additional Facts about the Tongue:

  • The text briefly discusses the role of the tongue in humans and other animals, highlighting its function in tasting, chewing, swallowing, speaking, catching prey, and smelling.

Explanation of the Text:

  • The text explores the fascinating world of ants, highlighting their intelligence, social structure, and significant role in nature.
  • It presents a detailed description of anthill life, including the organization of different chambers for various purposes within the nest.
  • The communication methods of ants, their life cycle, and the coexistence of different creatures within anthills are elucidated.
  • Valuable lessons that humans can learn from ants, along with discussion topics for further exploration, are provided.
  • The chapter also includes a creative exercise where students complete a poem using words related to different living spaces.
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